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Contemporary office space representing the environment of a startup accelerator
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What is a startup accelerator?

In a nutshell, startup accelerators are specialised programs designed to help early-stage startups scale fast (hence the name “accelerator”). They act as a catalyst for growth, fast-tracking young startups by providing them with a suite of resources and support, making it easier to overcome challenges and hit growth milestones with agility.

How it works

Accelerators exist in all shapes and sizes (e.g. corporate, asset-driven, industry-specific, university-based and more), which means the resources they offer can vary from program to program. However, in most cases, they’ll include one or more of the following:

  • Coaching and mentoring: By granting access to seasoned entrepreneurs and industry experts, accelerators provide invaluable guidance and support for startup teams. This assistance helps startups navigate the challenges they face, make informed decisions, and ultimately, achieve their goals.
  • Funding: Accelerators often provide financial support in the form of seed funding or investments. This funding allows startups to concentrate on refining their products or services and developing their strategies during the program, without the added pressure of financial constraints.
  • Infrastructure: Many accelerator programs include a dedicated office space or co-working environment. This setup fosters collaboration between participating startups and encourages the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and expertise.
  • Training and education: Accelerators typically offer workshops, training sessions, and access to specialized tools or software to help startups hone their skills and build their businesses more efficiently. These resources can cover a wide range of topics, from marketing strategies and product development to legal compliance and financial management.
  • Networks and partnerships: Accelerators can open doors to potential investors, partners, and customers, significantly expanding a startup's network and increasing its chances of success. This access to industry connections can also lead to valuable collaborations and strategic partnerships that can propel a startup to new heights.

Accelerator programs are usually time-limited, with most running for a duration of three to four months. During this intensive period, participating startups work diligently to develop their business plans, products, or services. The culmination of the accelerator program typically involves a demo day or pitch event, where startups showcase their progress and achievements to investors, media representatives, and the broader community. This event provides an invaluable opportunity for startups to attract funding, gain exposure, and secure potential partnerships, all essential factors in driving their continued growth and success.


In summary, a startup accelerator is an essential resource for early-stage startups within the food tech industry that are looking to scale rapidly. By offering a comprehensive suite of support, resources, and networking opportunities, accelerators can help startups overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and position themselves for long-term success in a highly competitive market.

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